From“Living Teacher”to“People’s Teacher”: A Survey on theTransformation of Chen Heqin’s View of Preschool Teachers
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 12. 003
中文关键词: 陈鹤琴  “活教育”  “活教师”  “人民的幼稚园教师”
英文关键词: Chen Heqin  “living education”  “living teachers”  “people’s kindergarten teachers”
刘军豪 1. 山东师范大学教育学部山东济南2500142. 南京师范大学教育科学学院江苏南京210014 
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      陈鹤琴是我国现代学前师范教育的开拓者与奠基人,长期关注并投身幼儿教师培养事业,不断更新并发展其幼儿教师理 念。早年教育经历形成了陈鹤琴对教师职业的初步认知,师范教育办学使陈鹤琴确立培养中国化“活教师”的志向,积极开展 “活课程”“活教法”实践探索。新中国成立后,陈鹤琴提出教师应自我改造为“人民的教师”。从“活教师”到“人民的教师”,陈 鹤琴始终强调幼儿教师同时肩负保育幼儿和服务社会的双重使命,积极呼吁提升幼儿教师社会地位、保障幼儿教师工资待遇, 并持续开展课程教学改革实验,以确保幼儿教师得到系统专业的训练。
      Chen Heqin is the pioneer and founder of modern preschool normal education in China. He has long paid attention to the training of preschool teachers for a long time and devoted himself to the course,constantly updated and developed his outlook on pre⁃ school teachers. Chen Heqin’s early learning experience helped to form his initial understanding of the teaching profession. He estab⁃ lished the ambition of cultivating Chinese“living teachers”in running normal education and actively carried out practical exploration of“living curriculum”and“living teaching method”. After the founding of New China,Chen Heqin proposed that teachers should transform themselves into“people’s teachers”. From“living teachers”to“people’s teachers”,Chen Heqin has always emphasized that preschool teachers shoulder the dual mission of caring for children and serving the society at the same time,and has actively called for the promotion of the social status of preschool teachers,the protection of their salaries,and the continuous implementation of curriculum reform experiments to ensure that preschool teachers receive systematic and professional training.
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