田方,王侠.4-5 岁儿童重复性模式教育干预中的个案追踪[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2022,38(7):60-69
4-5 岁儿童重复性模式教育干预中的个案追踪
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 07. 008
中文关键词: 4-5 岁儿童  模式能力  数能力  教育干预
英文关键词: 4-5-year-old children  patterning skill  numerical ability  interventio
田方,王侠 (1.陕西师范大学教育学部陕西西安7100622. 西安市西缆幼儿园陕西西安710060) 
摘要点击次数: 603
全文下载次数: 676
      "采用模式教育活动对4-5 岁儿童重复性模式能力进行教育干预,在干预样本中选取两名在模式能力和数能力方面均在 小班整体测查中处于较低水平的儿童进行个案追踪,每周干预3 次,包括1 次集体教学活动、1 次区域活动、1 次日常小游戏,持 续3 个月。经过干预前测-后测的结果比较,前测中,两名幼儿在模式能力和数能力的各项任务中得分均低于同班其他幼儿。 干预后,两名幼儿的模式能力和数能力得分均显著提高。结果表明,模式教育活动可能能够有效促进两名幼儿的模式能力和 数能力提升。"
      "Pattern activities were used to intervene in the repetitive patterning skills of 4-5-year-old children. Two 4-5-year-old children were selected from the intervention samples. They were at a low level in the overall test of primary class in terms of patterning skill and numerical ability. Pattern activities were used for intervention three times a week,including one group activity,one regional activity and one daily game,which lasted three months. By comparing the pretest and post-test results,the scores of the two children in various tasks of patterning skill and numerical ability in pretest were lower than those of other children in the same class. After the intervention, the post-test scores of the two children were significantly improved. The results show that pattern activities may effectively promote the improvement of patterning skill and numerical ability of the two children."
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