New Ways of Ecological Civilization Education for Urban Children—An Empirical Study Based on the Comparison of Children’s EcologicalCivilization Literacy between Farming and Pastoral Areas and Urban Areain Qinghai Province
投稿时间:2021-07-19  修订日期:2021-09-27
DOI:doi:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 11. 001
中文关键词: :幼儿生态文明教育  幼儿生态文明素养  农牧区  市区
英文关键词: infant ecological civilization education  children’s ecological civilization literacy  farming and pastoral areas  urban area
邢容,朱敏兰 (青海民族大学师范学院青海西宁810000) 
摘要点击次数: 728
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      :笔者通过对青海省生活在农牧区和市区两种生活环境中幼儿的生态文明素养进行调查发现,生活在农牧区的幼儿虽然 生态文明认知没有市区的幼儿高,但是农牧区幼儿在生态文明素养的其他四个指标生态文明规则性、生态文明敏感性、生态文 明情感和生态文明价值观上均高于城市幼儿。由此,我们可以发现,进行生态文明教育,生态文明认知只是教育基础,全面提 升城市幼儿的生态文明素养还需要在分析农牧区良好生态文明教育成因的基础上借鉴经验。
      Through the investigation on the ecological civilization literacy of children living in farming and pastoral areas and urban ar⁃ ea in Qinghai Province,this study found that although children living in farming and pastoral areas have a lower awareness of ecologi⁃ cal civilization than children living in urban area,they have better performance in the other four indicators of ecological civilization lit⁃ eracy: ecological civilization regularity,ecological civilization sensitivity,ecological civilization emotion and ecological civilization val⁃ ues. Therefore,we can find that for ecological civilization education,the awareness of ecological civilization is only the basis,and in order to comprehensively improve the ecological civilization literacy of urban children,it is necessary to learn from experiences based on the analysis of the causes of good ecological civilization education in farming and pastoral areas.
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