Kindergarten-based Curriculum Development and Kindergarten LearningOrganization Construction: A Case Study
投稿时间:2021-06-09  修订日期:2021-07-01
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 09. 015
中文关键词: 学习型组织  园本课程开发  五项修炼  幼儿园
英文关键词: learning organization  kindergarten-based curriculum development  five disciplines  kindergarten
朱丽英,高小强 (西北师范大学教育学院甘肃兰州730070) 
摘要点击次数: 808
全文下载次数: 1111
      本研究聚焦于幼儿园如何依托园本课程开发实现组织转型,建立学习型组织的问题。运用嵌入型个案研究的方法,在 纵向上以园本课程开发的历史脉络为线索,回溯梳理了个案园课程开发中不同的探索阶段。在横向上以五项修炼学习型组织 理论作为分析框架,从共同愿景、团队学习、心智模式改善、自我超越四个实践展开的维度下描述分析,并且以系统思考的方式 整合呈现了园本课程开发中学习型组织的动态发展路径。发现,园本课程开发是建构学习型组织的有效载体,学习型组织的 建构是园本课程开发中实现的一项隐性的正向功能,它们相互依存,相互推动。以期为幼儿园课程领导力的提升和组织结构 转型提供参考。
      This study focuses on how to realize organizational transformation and establish learning organization by relying on the de⁃ velopment of kindergarten-based curriculum. Using the method of embedded case study,longitudinally,the author takes the historical context of the development of the kindergarten-based curriculum as the clue,and then reviews the different exploration stages in the course development of the case kindergarten. Horizontally,taking the learning organization theory of the five disciplines as the analyti⁃ cal framework,this paper describes and analyzes the dynamic development path of learning organization in kindergarten-based curric⁃ ulum development from four practical dimensions: shared vision,team learning,mental models and personal mastery. It also presents the dynamic development of learning organization in kindergarten-based curriculum by means of systematic thinking. It is found that the kindergarten-based curriculum development is an effective carrier to construct learning organization. The construction of learning organization is a implicitly positive function in kindergarten-based curriculum development. They are interdependent and mutually pro⁃ motive,which may provide reference for the improvement of kindergarten curriculum leadership and organizational structure transfor⁃ mation.
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