The Survey on Familial Rehabilitation of Preschool Special Children
投稿时间:2020-03-06  修订日期:2020-03-25
中文关键词: 特殊儿童  家庭康复  康复需求
英文关键词: preschool special children  familial rehabilitation  rehabilitation needs
闫洁,庄香香,陈军 (厦门市心欣幼儿园福建厦门361007) 
摘要点击次数: 995
全文下载次数: 1073
      近年来特殊儿童的家庭康复面临的问题日益突出,为特殊儿童家庭提供必要的支持和帮助颇为重要,本文主要采用问卷 调查法对学前特殊儿童家庭康复状况进行调查,选取幼儿园94名学前特殊儿童家长作为被试进行调查研究,了解学前特殊儿童 家庭康复在专业需求、心理支持需求和社区支持需求方面的需求情况,运用SPSS17.0进行数据分析,结果发现:学前特殊儿童家庭 康复对心理支持需求和社区支持需求较为强烈,其次为专业需求;在不同的需求维度中注重行为习惯养成的需求、解决特殊儿童 对生活带来的苦恼的需求及期待得到亲友、社区志愿者等人支持的需求度高;因此需要正确引导特殊儿童家长了解掌握相关康 复知识;帮助特殊儿童及其亲友缓解心理压力,以积极的心态理解、认识并对待因残疾而导致的功能障碍;通过社区资源整合,满 足特殊儿童家长的家庭康复需求。
      In recent years, the familial rehabilitation of special children has become a prominent issue in the society. It is of great importance to supply necessary support and aid to families with special children. This study surveyed 94 parents of special children with the self-made questionnaires on preschool special children’s familial rehabilitation demands, in order to identify their needs on professional support, psychological support and community support. With the help of SPSS17.0 in statistical analysis, it is found that the familial rehabilitation of special children scored higher on psychological support and community support than professional support. Within different dimensions of needs of parents of special children, their needs on the formation of behavioral habits, needs on solution to the trouble of the special children in real life and the needs of getting support from friends, relatives and volunteers rank high. Therefore, it is necessary to guide parents of special children to understand and master rehabilitation knowledge and to relieve psychological pressure of the children and their family members, so as to understand, recognize and treat the dysfunction with a positive attitude. Besides, integrating the community resources to meet the familial rehabilitation needs of parents of special children.
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