李延方,郑育敏.4-5 岁幼儿社会技能发展的追踪研究[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(1):34-40
4-5 岁幼儿社会技能发展的追踪研究
A Longitudinal Study of 4-5 Years Old Children's Social Skills Development
投稿时间:2019-01-08  修订日期:2019-01-26
中文关键词: 4-5 岁幼儿  社会技能  追踪
英文关键词: 4-5 years old  social skills  longitudinal
李延方 (平顶山学院教师教育学院河南平顶山467000) 
郑育敏 (平顶山学院教师教育学院河南平顶山467000) 
摘要点击次数: 1420
全文下载次数: 1908
      本研究使用社会技能提升系统(Social Skills Improvement System)(以下简称SSIS)教师评定问卷对广东省42 所幼儿园、397 位4-5 岁幼儿社会技能进行为期一年的追踪研究,以探讨4-5 岁幼儿社会技能的发展。结果表明:4-5 岁幼儿社会技能整体处于中等水平且存在性别差异,女童优于男童;幼儿社会技能随幼儿年龄的增长逐步发展。研究进一步提出了提升4-5岁幼儿社会技能的建议:重视对社会技能低下幼儿的筛查,为幼儿社会技能的发展创设良好的支持环境。
      This study uses the Social Skill Improvement System (SSIS) Teacher Assessment Questionnaire to conduct a one-year follow-up study of 42 kindergartens and 397 4-5 syear old children in Guangdong Province,in order to explore their social skills development of young children.There sults show that:the social skills of childrenaged between 4 to 5 years are general lyata medium level and there are gender differences which girls are better than boys; social skills of children are gradually developed with physical growth of children. Further on,the study proposes to improve the social skills of children aged 4-5 years with following suggestions: paying more attention on finding young children with low social skills, and creating a good supporting environment for the development of children's social skills.
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