A Study on the College Counselors’Career ResilienceBased on Self-Regulation Theory
投稿时间:2022-05-12  修订日期:2022-05-27
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 07. 015
中文关键词: 高校辅导员  职业韧性  自我调节理论
英文关键词: college counselors  career resilience  the self-regulation theory
张婉莉 (陕西学前师范学院教育科学学院陕西西安710100) 
摘要点击次数: 699
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      为了:探索我国高校辅导员的职业韧性现状与人口学特征,采用自主开发的高校辅导员职业韧性量表,选取全国30 余所 高校1184 名辅导员进行调查研究,研究发现(1)总体上我国高校辅导员的职业韧性处于中等水平;(2)相比日常稳态下的韧性 资源,辅导员在职业逆境下的情绪与认知调节力更具优势。(3)辅导员职业韧性具有显著的人口学特征,其中男性辅导员的情 绪类与认知类韧性资源更具优势;未婚研究生辅导员的总体职业韧性水平显著高于已婚研究生学历者;专职辅导员的情绪自 我调节力显著高于兼职辅导员;相比二本、三本与高职高专类学校的从业者,一本学校辅导员在逆境之初的应激反应要明显高 些,而在整个逆境应对中的消极体验却明显低些。主要建议:培养新时代辅导员的职业韧性要扶“弱”固“强”,设计干预项目时 应审慎考量人口学因素。
      OBJECTIVE: To explore the current situation and demographic characteristics of career resilience of the college counselors in China. METHODS: The College Counselors’Career Resilience Scale was developed,and 1,184 college counsellors from more than 30 universities across the country were selected for the survey study. RESULTS: (1) In general,the college counselors’career resil⁃ ience is at the medium level; (2) compared with the career resilience resources in daily homeostasis,counselors have more advanta⁃ geous emotional and cognitive regulation in occupational adversity; (3) college counselors’occupational resilience has significant demo⁃ graphic characteristics,among which,male college counsellors have more advantages in emotional and cognitive career resilience re⁃ sources; the unmarried college counselors with graduate degree have a significantly higher level of career resilience than that of married graduate degree holders; the emotional self-regulation level of full-time college counselors is significantly higher than part-time col⁃ lege counselors; compared with the counselors form the second tier universities,third tier universities and high technological colleges, counselors in the first tier universities experience higher stress response at the beginning of their career adversity and less negative emotions throughout occupational adversity. SUGGESTIONS: College counselors’resilience in the new era should be cultivated by sup⁃ porting“the weak”and strengthening“the strong”,and demographic factors should be carefully considered when designing interven⁃ tion programs.
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