The Impact of Supervisor Support on Kindergarten Teachers’ResignationIntention: the Mediating Role of Occupational Stress
投稿时间:2022-02-22  修订日期:2022-03-07
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 05. 014
中文关键词: :领导支持  职业压力  离职倾向  中介作用
英文关键词: supervisor support  occupational stress  resignation intention  mediating role
王婕 (广东财经大学继续教育学院广东广州510320) 
摘要点击次数: 567
全文下载次数: 375
      为深入剖析领导支持对幼儿教师离职倾向的影响,并探讨职业压力在领导支持和幼儿教师离职倾向之间的中介作用,笔 者选取广州市33 所幼儿园共326 名在职幼儿教师作为调查对象,采用幼儿教师职业压力问卷、离职倾向问卷及领导支持感问 卷进行问卷调查。结果表明:1)被测教师领导支持感与职业压力相关系数为-0.363,p=0.000<0.05,领导支持感与离职倾向相 关系数为-0.476,p=0.000<0.05,均存在显著相关;2)被测教师职业压力与离职倾向相关系数为0.074,p=0.180>0.05,不存在显 著相关;3)职业压力在领导支持与离职倾向中的起部分中介作用,中介作用占比例为8.62%。
      In order to analyse the impact of supervisor support on the kindergarten teachers’resignation intention and to explore the mediating role of occupational stress in the relationship between leader support and the resignation intention of kindergarten teachers, the author selected 326 kindergarten teachers from 33 kindergartens in Guangzhou as the respondents of the survey and used the Occu⁃ pational Stress Questionnaire,the Resignation Tendency Questionnaire and the Supervisor Support Questionnaire to conduct the sur⁃ vey.The results showed that the correlation coefficient between teachers’perception of supervisor support and occupational stress was - 0.363,p=0.000<0.05,and the correlation coefficient between perception of supervisor support and resignation intention was -0.476, p=0.000<0.05,both of which were significantly correlated,but the correlation coefficient between occupational stress and resignation intention was 0.074,p=0.180>0.05,which was not significantly correlated. Occupational stress partially mediated the relationship be⁃ tween supervisor support and resignation intention,with a mediating role of 8.62%.
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