吴 静,杨恩慧,宋占美.婴幼儿应远离“脏”吗? ——微生物学视角下的婴幼儿养育[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2021,37(5):20-24
婴幼儿应远离“脏”吗? ——微生物学视角下的婴幼儿养育
Should Children Avoid Getting Dirty?—Baby and Child Care from the Perspective of Microbiology
投稿时间:2021-03-01  修订日期:2021-03-04
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 05. 004
中文关键词: “脏”  微生物  婴幼儿  养育
英文关键词: hygiene  microbes  infants and young children  childcare
吴 静,杨恩慧,宋占美 (1.温州大学教育学院浙江温州 3250352.台湾政治大学教育学院台湾台北 11605) 
摘要点击次数: 601
全文下载次数: 640
      抗菌清洁产品广告重塑了“脏”的概念,把消灭细菌的观念植入了大众心中。为了保持卫生,当前婴幼儿普遍被各种抗菌 剂包围,“脏”是他们被限制与否定的高频率词汇。从微生物学的视角看,人类与微生物相互依存,婴幼儿阶段是建立与微生物 共存关系的关键期。婴幼儿的身体健康和全面发展,都需要适宜的“脏”。家长应该理性地衡量不同活动区域“脏”的风险与收 益,并根据婴幼儿的成长阶段适当地把他们暴露在“脏”环境之中。
      Advertisements for antibacterial products have reinvented the concept of hygiene, and the idea of killing germs has been im⁃ planted into the public mind. In order to maintain hygiene, infants and young children are generally surrounded by a variety of antimi⁃ crobial agents. Children’s activities are often restricted and denied for the sake of hygiene. From the perspective of microbiology, hu⁃ man beings and microorganisms are interdependent. Early life is a critical period for the establishment of coexisting relationship with microorganisms. For their health and overall development, Infants and young children needs to be exposed in the microbial environ⁃ ment. Parents should rationally weigh the risks and benefits of children being dirty in different area of activity. Infants and young chil⁃ dren are needed to be exposed to“dirty”environment as the growth of their age.
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