第五太卓,郭 宪.陕西高校文化与地域文化协同创新[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2019,35(10):125-132
Collaborative Innovation of Shaanxi University Culture and Regional Culture
投稿时间:2019-04-16  修订日期:2019-08-13
中文关键词: 陕西高校文化  地域文化  协同创新
英文关键词: Shaanxi university culture  regional culture  collaborative innovation
第五太卓 (西安外事学院思想政治教育研究院 陕西西安 710077) 
郭 宪 (西安外事学院思想政治教育研究院 陕西西安 710077) 
摘要点击次数: 1173
全文下载次数: 556
      Shaanxi should give full play to the important role of university culture in serving the construction of local culture, and establish a cooperative innovation framework of Shaanxi university culture and regional culture in the way of government dominant planning and organization leading. It is suggested to stand on the advantage of Shaanxi’s historical and cultural resources, to highlight Shaanxi’s regional and cultural characteristics and to focus on the radiation effect driven by national-level big projects, so as to solve the institutional bottlenecks and mechanism obstacles in the process of “catching up and surpassing” in Shaanxi’s cultural development. Shaanxi is to be built as the symbol of the origin of Chinese traditional culture, the typical human ecological belt of the world’s natural geography, the strategic turning point of Chinese Red Revolution history and culture, and the leading area of Silk Road culture and the “Belt and Road” culture, so as to lift the cultural quality and social image of Shaanxi holistically, and to realize the overall take-off of Shaanxi’s economy and society in the new era.
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