熊 欢,卢 清.以新西兰“学习故事”为范本构建我国家园合作新途径[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(10):37-40
The Learning Story from New Zealand—A Model to Build the New Way of Home-Kindergarten Cooperation in China
投稿时间:2017-02-17  修订日期:2017-05-06
中文关键词: 家园合作  教育理念  学习故事
英文关键词: home-kindergarten cooperation  education ideas  the learning story
熊 欢 (西华师范大学四川南充 637002) 
卢 清 (西华师范大学四川南充 637002) 
摘要点击次数: 2305
全文下载次数: 1437
      Education Ministry Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Family Education points that the kindergarten should attach importance to family education works,and further defined the parents’ main body responsibility,and give full play to the important role of school in the family education. With the updating concepts of preschool education,the contradiction between parents’ own educational ideas and the healthy development of children's body and mentality leads the ineffective communication between kindergartens and parents. The learning story from New Zealand is not only a Children's evaluation method widely used into preschool education,but a new way of home-kindergarten cooperation,which it would help parents update their education ideas and obtain scientific upbringing guidance. Kindergarten should regard the learning story as a linking,which help parents understand their children,and then encourage parents to write learning story happened in their family,and finally promote the home-kindergarten cooperation.
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