李 霞,曹能秀.罗杰斯“师生观”及其对我国师幼互动的启示[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(5):7-11 |
罗杰斯“师生观”及其对我国师幼互动的启示 |
(School of Educational Science and Management, Yunnan normal university, Kunming, Yunnan 650500, China) |
投稿时间:2017-02-26 修订日期:2017-03-06 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2017.05.002 |
中文关键词: 罗杰斯 师生观 师幼互动行为 |
英文关键词: Rogers view on the relationship between teachers and students teacher-student interactive behavior |
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摘要点击次数: 1808 |
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中文摘要: |
罗杰斯的师生观倡导“以学生为中心”,教师是促进者,对教师与学生角色进行了与传统不同的重新定位。我国当前师幼互动行为上存在忽视幼儿心理感受、重视一致性原则以及重“活跃积极”,轻“沉默安静”、强调教师权威等诸多问题。基于罗杰斯师生观视角,为当前的师幼互动行为提供指导和启示,重新定位师幼关系,理解宽容幼儿、注重情感交流、正确处理公平和差异,以及重视师幼平等对话,从而促进当前师幼互动行为的积极转化。 |
英文摘要: |
Rogers’s view on the relationship between teacher and student put special emphasis on the role of student, and he thinks that teacher serves as promoter in the development of student, which is totally different from the traditional view. At present, there are still lots of problems existing in teacher-child interactive behaviors in our country. Children’s feelings are always neglected, attentions are given to the consistency principle, the “active” is preferred rather than the “quiet”, and teachers’ authority is stressed. Rogers’s views would provide some direction and enlightenment for us. In the new era, the relationship between teacher and student should be redefined. Teachers are expected to understand children and give them more freedom than before. When interacting with children, teachers should pay more attention to emotional communication, balance the relationship between fairness and difference, give children equal right for dialogue. Only in this way can the teacher-child interactive behaviors develop healthily. |
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