田方,乔慧.语言标签对4-5 岁儿童重复性模式认知的影响[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(5):38-45
语言标签对4-5 岁儿童重复性模式认知的影响
Effects of Language Labels on Children’s Repeating Pattern Cognition
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 05. 006
中文关键词: 模式活动  语言标签  模式能力  自我解释
英文关键词: patterning activities  language labels  patterning skills  self-explanation
基金项目:陕西省社会科学基金项目(2023P049); 奕阳教育研究院青年学者研究项目(SEI-QXZ-2022-21)
田方,乔慧 (1. 陕西师范大学教育学部陕西西安7100622. 华东师范大学教育学部上海210062) 
摘要点击次数: 193
全文下载次数: 197
      为探究模式活动以及语言标签对干预儿童模式认知的影响,选取40 名4-5 岁儿童为被试,分为2 个实验组,在6 周采 用不同语言标签的模式活动干预后,进行模式能力测试。结果发现:,基于发展轨迹的模式活动干预能够提升儿童的模式 能力;使用具体语言标签和抽象字母标签均能够有效提升儿童对模式抽象、核心单元识别的认知和自我解释能力;4-5 岁 儿童能够接受并使用抽象字母标签进行模式表征。
      To investigate the effects of pattern activities and language labels on the intervention and patterning cognition,the present study used a quasi-experimental design to select 40 children aged 4-5 years old as subjects,divided into two experimental groups,who were tested for their patterning after a 6-week pattern activity intervention using different language labels. The results showed that pat⁃ terning activity intervention based on learning trajectories could improve children’s patterning skills. The use of concrete language la⁃ bels and abstract letter labels could effectively enhance children’s cognitive and self-explanation of pattern abstraction and core unit identification. Preschool children aged 4-5 could understand and use abstract letter labels for pattern representation.
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