Research Progress and Implications of International Tools forAssessing Children Engagement
投稿时间:2024-03-19  修订日期:2024-04-10
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 05. 003
中文关键词: 幼儿参与  测量工具  观察  量表
英文关键词: Children engagement  Measurement tools  Observation  Scale
麦日岸,黄佩珊 (1. 惠州学院教育科学学院广东惠州5160072. 东莞职业技术学院学前教育与人文学院广东东莞523000 3. 澳门大学教育学院澳门999078) 
摘要点击次数: 200
全文下载次数: 385
      幼儿在活动中的参与和投入状态反映了幼儿是否深度和有效学习,是幼儿园保教质量评估的重要组成部分,也是幼儿未 来学业成就的重要预测因素。然而,幼儿参与(children engagement)这一变量目前在国内的研究甚少,这可能源于测量工具的 不成熟。国外幼儿参与研究已有一定实证基础,且在政策层面得到西方国家政府的重视。本研究对国际上幼儿参与的主要测 量工具进行系统梳理和介绍,概述它们的主要内容、使用方法、测量范畴和优缺点。在此基础上,提出对我国幼儿参与研究的 几点启示:首先,选择测量工具前须明确幼儿参与的定义;其次,为能全面评估幼儿参与,同时使用观察和量表两种方式,开发 幼儿自我评估的工具,使测量能覆盖幼儿教育全部活动情境等措施是有益的尝试。
      Child engagement in kindergarten activities reflects whether they are learning effectively,which is an important part of qual⁃ ity of early childhood education and also a significant predictor of children's future academic achievements. Despite its critical signifi⁃ cance,research on children engagement in China remains limited,partly due to the nascent stage of measurement tools in this area. In contrast,international studies on children engagement offer valuable empirical insights and have been given considerable attention at the policy level in Western nations. This study systematically summarized and introduced key measurement tools for assessing children engagement,elucidating their core dimensions,approaches,scope,as well as their strengths and limitations. The current study has important implications for research regarding children’s engagement in China. Prior to employing measurement tools, first, the concep⁃ tualization of children engagement should be clarified. Second, for a comprehensive evaluation of children engagement,several efforts could be made: to integrate both observational techniques and scales; to develop self-assessment tools; to adapt tools to all professional activities of early childhood education.
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