The Development Perspective and Future Trend for Teaching Reform Trendsof Kindergarten Education in the New Era—Analysis Based on The Third National Teaching Achievement Awardsin Basic Education
投稿时间:2023-11-16  修订日期:2024-02-23
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 03. 002
中文关键词: 幼儿园教育教学实践改革  学前教育国家级教学成果奖  未来走向
英文关键词: Kindergarten education and teaching practice reform  preschool education National Teaching Achievement Awards  futuretrend
何晓溪,杨晓萍,杨雄 (西南大学教育学部重庆 400715) 
摘要点击次数: 380
全文下载次数: 1875
      学前教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,也是高质量教育体系的基础和起点。针对基础教育国家级教学成果奖学前教育 学段的获奖成果数据,从地位、地域分布状况、实施单位与基本主题三个层面进行描述性对比分析,并对新时代幼儿园教育教 学实践改革进行了发展透视,总结了现阶段我国幼儿园教育教学内涵式发展的基本特征,分析了新时代深化幼儿园教育教学 实践改革面临的问题,并从坚定改革方向、增强改革动能、提升改革效能、创新改革路径等四个维度探析未来改革发展方向,为 新时代深入推进高质量幼儿园教育教学实践改革提供参考。
      Preschool education is a significant part of basic education and the foundation and starting point of a high-quality education system. Based on the descriptive comparative analysis of the award-winning data of the preschool education section of the National Teaching Achievement Award for Basic Education from three aspects:status,geographical distribution,implementation units and ba⁃ sic themes,this study makes a development perspective on the reform of kindergarten education and teaching practice in the new era, and summarizes the basic characteristics of the connotation based development of kindergarten education and teaching in China at the current stage. This paper analyzes the problems faced by deepening the reform of kindergarten education and teaching practice in the new era,and explores the future direction of reform and development from four dimensions,namely,strengthening the direction of re⁃ form,enhancing the momentum of reform,improving the efficiency of reform,and innovating the path of reform,so as to provide refer⁃ ence for further promoting the reform of high-quality kindergarten education and teaching practice in the new era.
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