The Relationship between Executive Function and MathematicalAbility in Early Childhood: A Meta-analysis
投稿时间:2023-09-11  修订日期:2023-09-14
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 12. 009
中文关键词: 执行功能  数学能力  儿童早期  元分析
英文关键词: executive function  mathematical ability  early childhood  meta-analysis
张亚杰,胡恩慧 河南大学教育学部河南开封 475004 
摘要点击次数: 291
全文下载次数: 487
      儿童早期执行功能与数学能力的关系在既有研究中存在分歧,为明确二者关系及产生分歧的原因,运用元分析方法对国 内外相关研究进行整合分析。通过文献检索和筛选,共纳入42 篇原始文献,含120 项效应值,总样本量为12495 人。结果发 现:儿童早期EF(执行功能)、CF(认知灵活性)与数学能力存在高等程度的正相关,IC(抑制控制)、WM(工作记忆)与数学能力 存在中等程度的正相关;样本来源、年龄及性别能够显著调节儿童早期WM 与数学能力的关系,而性别对儿童早期EF、CF、IC 与数学能力关系的调节作用不显著。未来应开展实验干预研究和长期跟踪研究深入揭示儿童早期执行功能与数学能力的因 果关系。
      The established studies on the relationship between early childhood executive function and mathematical ability haven’t reached a concensus. To clarify their relationship and the reasons behind the disagreement,meta-analysis was applied to integrate and analyze relevant domestic and foreign studies. Through literature reviewing and screening,42 papers including 120 effect sizes with 12, 495 samples in total were studied.The results indicate that early childhood EF(executive function)and CF(cognitive flexibility)were highly correlated with mathematical ability positively,while IC(inhibitory control)and WM(working memory)were moderately corre⁃ lated with mathematical ability positively; Sample sources,age,and gender can significantly moderate the relationship between WM and mathematical ability,but the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between EF,CF,IC and mathematical ability is not sig⁃ nificant. In the future,experimental intervention and longitudinal follow-up studies should be conducted to reveal the causal relation⁃ ship between executive function and mathematical ability deeply.
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