Developmental Characteristics of Cultural Identity of 3-6 years old Children—Based on a Three-year Follow-up Study of 579 Young Children
投稿时间:2023-07-17  修订日期:2023-08-10
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 10. 009
中文关键词: 3-6岁幼儿  文化认同  追踪研究  发展特点
英文关键词: 3-6 years old  cultural identity  follow-up study  development characteristics
张春颖,张明红,施无双 1.乌鲁木齐南路幼儿园上海 2000312.华东师范大学教育学部上海 200062 3.长兴县实验幼儿园浙江长兴 313100 
摘要点击次数: 418
全文下载次数: 676
      his study used the “Preschool Children’s Cultural Identity Scale” to conduct a three-year follow-up survey on 579 children from 7 public kindergartens in Shanghai to explore the developmental characteristics of 3-6 years old children’s cultural identity. The results showed that the total score of cultural identity of 3-6 years old children was at a good level. The cultural identity of 3-6 year old children had stages and continuity of age development, and middle class to senior class was the rapid development stage of 3-6 year old children’s cultural identity. There was no significant gender difference between boys and girls in junior class. Boys in middle class had significantly higher cultural identity than girls, and girls in senior class had significantly higher total cultural identity. The main suggestions are: to carry out the cultural experience activities of life and game; to reduce gender bias and provide equal opportunities for young children to experience culture; to guide children to form positive behavior tendency on the basis of liking and understanding of culture; to deepen children’s cultural identity and respect and understanding of cultural differences in the cooperative education of garden families.
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