贺佐廷,谭华玉.五年制公费幼儿师范生父母教养方式、人格特质与教师职业认同的关系—— 以湘南幼儿师范高等专科学校为例[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2023,39(8):95-105
五年制公费幼儿师范生父母教养方式、人格特质与教师职业认同的关系—— 以湘南幼儿师范高等专科学校为例
Relationship among Parental Rearing Style, Personality and Teacher Professional Identity of 5-year Government-funded Pre-school Normal Students—A Case of Xiangnan Pre-school Education College
投稿时间:2023-05-26  修订日期:2023-06-08
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 08. 011
中文关键词: 公费幼儿师范生  父母教养方式;人格特质;教师职业认同
英文关键词: government-funded pre-school normal students  parental rearing style  personality  teacher professional identity
贺佐廷,谭华玉 1.湘南幼儿师范高等专科学校学前教育学院湖南郴州 423000 2.广东水利电力职业技术学院 大学生心理健康教育发展中心广东广州 510635 
摘要点击次数: 400
全文下载次数: 340
      To investigate the characteristics of parental rearing style, personality and teacher professional identity and their relationships, and to test the mediating effect of personality. 227 five-year government-funded normal students were selected as subjects, and questionnaire survey was conducted. The results show that teacher professional identity is generally above the average level, showing “high at both ends and low in the middle” in grade, and the professional efficacy of girls is significantly higher than that of boys. In parental rearing styles, parental emotional warmth is positively correlated with teacher professional identity, while parental rejection is negatively correlated with teacher professional identity. The personality and its agreeableness, extroversion, openness and conscientiousness were positively correlated with teacher professional identity, while neuroticism was negatively correlated with teacher professional identity. The agreeableness, extroversion and conscientiousness of personality had significant mediating effect between maternal emotional warmth and teacher professional identity.
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