刘 媛.全面抗战时期抗日儿童团的价值观塑造及当代启示[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2023,39(1):110-117
Value Shaping of the Communist Party of China on Anti-Japanese Children’s League and Contemporary Enlightenment
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 01. 014
中文关键词: 中国共产党  抗日儿童团  价值观塑造  当代启示
英文关键词: the Communist Party of China, Anti-Japanese Children’s League, Value Shaping,Contemporary Enlightenment
刘 媛 聊城大学马克思主义学院山东聊城 252000 
摘要点击次数: 647
全文下载次数: 413
      The Anti-Japanese Children’s League was a children’s organization in the Communist Party of China during the anti-Japanese war. The Communist Party of China paid attention to ideological and political guidance and values shaping on the anti-Japanese children’s league, actively guided the children’s league to establish patriotism and firm anti-Japanese faith, attached importance to class education for children’s league to shape revolutionary consciousness, organized children’s league to experience and participate in collective production mode and scientific lifestyle to train successors of new-democratic revolution. Members of the anti-Japanese children’s league had a strong sense of identity and belonging to the party and its children’s organizations, and made positive contributions to the victory of the anti-Japanese During the comprehensive anti-Japanese war, the party’s guidance on the values of the Anti-Japanese Children’s League provides experience and inspiration for the political enlightenment and value shaping of the Young Pioneers by the party in the new era, and provides an important reference for children to pass on the red gene and carry forward the red tradition.
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