王蓉,于冬青.幼儿园教师社会情感能力培养的现实诉求、内涵阐释及提升策略——以CARE 项目为例[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2022,38(1):77-85
幼儿园教师社会情感能力培养的现实诉求、内涵阐释及提升策略——以CARE 项目为例
Realistic Demands,Connotation Interpretation and Improvement Strategies ofKindergarten Teachers’Social Emotional Ability Training—Taking CARE as An Example
投稿时间:2021-10-14  修订日期:2021-11-20
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 01. 011
中文关键词: 社会情感能力  CARE项目  情绪劳动  项目制试点
英文关键词: social emotional ability  CARE project  emotional labor  project- based pilot
王蓉,于冬青 (1.信阳师范学院教育科学学院河南信阳4640002.东北师范大学教育学部吉林长春130024) 
摘要点击次数: 1113
全文下载次数: 1572
      作为付出较高情绪劳动的幼儿园教师,社会情感能力对师幼互动、教师专业发展均具有重要意义。对幼儿园教师社 会情感能力的维度划分结合了美国CASEL和英国SEAL项目,将社会情感能力分为自我意识、情绪管理、目标动机、社会意识、 人际关系、决策意识六大维度。同时从专项项目视角对教育意识和适应能力培训CARE项目进行分析,提升幼儿园教师社会 情感能力,须从职前职后、教师自身、幼儿园、家庭社区等多维考虑。
      As kindergarten teachers who pay high emotional labor,social emotional ability is of great significance to teacher-child in⁃ teraction and professional development of teachers. In this paper,the dimension of kindergarten teachers’social emotional compe⁃ tence is divided into six dimensions,namely,self-awareness,emotion management,goal motivation,social awareness,interpersonal relationship,and decision-making consciousness,combining American CASEL project and British SEAL project. Meanwhile,the CARE project of education awareness and adaptability training is analyzed from the perspective of special projects. To improve the so⁃ cial emotional ability of kindergarten teachers,it requires multi-dimensional considerations such as pre-service and post-service, teachers themselves,kindergartens,and family communities and so on.
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