Curriculum Construction of Education for International UnderstandingBased on Multiculturalism
投稿时间:2021-10-29  修订日期:2021-11-25
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2022. 01. 006
中文关键词: 国际理解教育课程  多元文化  幼儿园
英文关键词: curriculum of education for international understanding  multiculturalism  kindergarten
陈小丽,曾彬 (西华师范大学学前与初等教育学院四川南充637000) 
摘要点击次数: 808
全文下载次数: 2098
      基于多元文化的幼儿园国际理解教育课程以“予幼儿观世界以理解、以包容、以友爱”为理念,既是中国响应构建人类命 运共同体之号召、应对21世纪人才培养之挑战的应有之义,也是帮助幼儿适应多姿之世界的必然路径。为此,建构幼儿园国 际理解教育课程,应以中华优秀传统文化为根基,聚焦核心素养建构三维目标,课程内容应源自幼儿生活并到生活中去,还应 深挖绘本和环境中的课程资源,以理解为核心、并依托三大活动形式实施课程,同时,采用表现性评价并辅之以档案袋评价的 方式开展课程评价。
      The idea of international understanding education course in kindergarten based on multiculturalism is to cultivate children to view the world with understanding,tolerance and fraternity. It is necessary for China to respond to the call of building a community with a shared future for mankind,to deal with the challenge of talent training in the 21st century and to help children adapt to our color⁃ ful world. Thus,at the time of construction of international cultural understanding course,it’s necessary to take the excellent Chinese traditional culture as the foundation,focus on the core accomplishment and construct the three-dimensional goals. The content of the course should come from life and go to life. It’s also necessary to excavate course resources from picture books and environment. Course implementation should take understanding as the core and rely on three major forms of activities. Meanwhile,performance eval⁃ uation and portfolio evaluation should be used for course evaluation.
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