Improving the Quality of Community Emergency Education:The Necessity of Protecting Children’s Safety
投稿时间:2021-09-15  修订日期:2021-10-04
DOI:doi:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 11. 003
中文关键词: 社区  应急教育  质量提升  幼儿安全
英文关键词: community  emergency education  children’s safety  quality improvement
郭冠群,刘晶波 (南京师范大学教育科学学院江苏南京210097) 
摘要点击次数: 614
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      应对突发公共事件、实施应急教育是社区工作中的一项重要内容,更直接关系着其辖区范围内的幼儿及其家庭。这项工 作一方面受制于公共突发事件本身的复杂性,另一方面也与应急教育实践的质量密切相关。基于文献分析与实地调研,我们 发现现有社区应急教育明显存在两个短板:其一,现实中的应急教育大多数聚焦于常见灾害的防御和逃生,很少兼顾常态保障 和应急措施两方面的教育;其二,教育对象主要是大、中、小学生,并没有将幼儿群体纳入其中。鉴于新冠病毒疫情给幼儿及家 长的生活所带来的诸多不易,研究者认为:当下我们应该尽快聚焦以社区为依托的幼儿园和幼儿家庭应急教育实践,梳理社区 应急教育的困境,从总体设计到多元路径方面为社区应急教育提供可行性策略,切实提升应急教育质量,以此佑护幼儿及其家 庭的安全。
      Responding to public emergencies and implementing emergency education is an important part of community work,which is directly related to children and their families within community. On the one hand,this work is subject to the complexity of public emergencies; on the other hand,it is also closely related to the quality of emergency education practice. Based on literature analysis and field research,it’s found that there are two obvious shortcomings in the existing community emergency education:First,most of the actual emergency education focuses on the prevention and escape of common disasters,but rarely gives consideration to both the education of regular guarantee and emergency measures; Second,the educational objects are mainly college students,middle school students and primary school students,while the young children are not included. In view of the many difficulties brought by the COV⁃ ID-19 epidemic to the lives of children and their parents,researchers believe that: In order to protect the safety of children and their families,it’s necessary to focus on the practice of community-based kindergarten and children’s family emergency education as soon as possible,sort out the plight of community emergency education,and provide feasible strategies for community emergency education from the overall design to diverse paths ,and effectively enhance the quality of emergency education.
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