An Analysis on the Theme Painting Course in the Background of NationalKindergarten Teacher Certification Exams
投稿时间:2021-07-22  修订日期:2021-08-05
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 09. 011
中文关键词: 幼儿教师资格证  国考  美术素养  主题画
英文关键词: kindergarten teacher certification  national teacher certification exam  artistic accomplishment  theme painting
张晓嘉 (四川幼儿师范高等专科学校学前一系四川绵阳621000) 
摘要点击次数: 762
全文下载次数: 660
      学前教育专业美术课程中的主题画是国考面试环节中的常见内容,也是学前教育实践中必备的技能。主题画创编不仅 测试考生的造型技巧和美术表现素养,还能综合体现其思维品质、教育活动的设计与实施能力。顺应国家教师教育发展和教 师资格准入制度的要求和趋势,教育教学实践中应强调教学内容、三维目标与国考目标及要求的对接,以国考为契机进行主题 画课程创新。通过整合目标与要求,将“考试”与“育人”有机融合,提高综合素养与美术表现能力,跨学科任务实训与多元化考 评相结合,加快深化“课证融合”课程改革。
      The theme painting in the preschool fine arts course is commonly tested at the interview section of kindergarten teacher certi⁃ fication exams,and is also a necessary skill in preschool teaching practice. Theme painting creation not only tests the candidates’mod⁃ elling technique and artistic accomplishment,but also reflects their thinking quality and activity designing and implementing ability comprehensively. To meet the requirements and trends of teachers’qualification access policies and teachers’career development, connection of teaching contents,there-dimension objectives with national teacher certification exam requirements should be firmly em⁃ phasized in our education and teaching practice,which is bound to urge an innovation of the theme painting curriculum. By integrating goals and requirements,tests and cultivation,by combining interdisciplinary task training and multi-assessment systems,and by im⁃ proving the learners’comprehensive quality and artistic accomplishment,we will surely quicken and deepen our curriculum reform.
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