Metaphorical Analysis of Mosaic Approach—Taking Listening to Young Children: The Mosaic Approach as an ExampleMAO Le,YAN Chao-yun
投稿时间:2021-06-29  修订日期:2021-07-25
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 09. 010
中文关键词: 马赛克方法  隐喻分析  儿童研究  倾听幼儿
英文关键词: mosaic approach  metaphorical analysis  child study  listening to young children
基金项目:2020 年度四川省教育科研立项课题(SCJG20A005-3)
毛乐,鄢超云 (四川师范大学教育科学学院四川成都610066) 
摘要点击次数: 2873
全文下载次数: 4092
      马赛克方法是儿童研究中的重要方法,隐喻是认识和理解马赛克方法的重要方式。运用隐喻分析的方式对马赛克方法 进行解读。《倾听幼儿:马赛克方法》中共有41个隐喻,这些隐喻的来源域包括自然事物、生活事物、人类行为活动三种类型,目 标域包括研究方法、研究资料、研究过程三种类型。隐喻在克拉克建构马赛克方法理论体系中发挥了命名功能、认知功能与文 化功能。“融合多元方法、多重声音的研究方式”的本质统一于马赛克的意象之中,从而形成克拉克研究方法论的系统合理的证 成逻辑,也为我们思考当今教育问题提供了经典的证成思路。
      Mosaic approach is an important method in child study,metaphor is an important way to recognize and understand the mosa⁃ ic approach. Metaphor analysis is used to interpret the mosaic approach. There are a total of 41 metaphors inListening to Young Chil⁃ dren –The Mosaic Approach . The source domain of these metaphors includes three types: natural things,living things and human be⁃ haviors and activities,whereas the target domain includes three types: research methods,research materials and research processes. Metaphor plays the function of nomenclature,cognition and culture in the theory of Clark’s mosaic approach. The essence of“integrat⁃ ing multiple methods and multiple voices”is unified in the intention of mosaic,thus forming the systematic and reasonable justifica⁃ tion logic of Clark’s research methodology,and also providing us with the classic justification thinking for today’s education issues.
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