Research on the Current Situation of Children’s Behavior ObservationalAbility of Preschool Education Major Normal Students
投稿时间:2021-02-25  修订日期:2021-03-20
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 06. 013
中文关键词: 儿童行为观察  观察能力  学前师范生  专业素养
英文关键词: children’s behavior observation  observational ability  preschool normal students  professional quality
潘玥岑,黄程佳 (1. 伦敦大学学院教育学院伦敦WC1E 5BT2. 重庆第二师范学院学前教育学院重庆400065) 
摘要点击次数: 1059
全文下载次数: 1700
      儿童行为观察能力是学前教育师范生专业核心素养的重要组成部分。为了解学前教育师范生观察能力的现状及其影响 因素,本研究选取重庆市D 高校,采取整群抽样对该校不同年级的学前师范生共277 名进行问卷调查,同时对六名学前教育师 范生及幼儿行为观察课程的授课教师进行质性访谈。研究结果表明:当前D 高校学前教育师范生总体观察能力较低,尤其在 确立观察目的和记录观察信息方面亟待加强。学前教育师范生对观察方法的掌握情况受到年级、见实习时长和是否得到教师 指导等因素的影响。基于以上结论,本研究从高校、教师和学生三个方面提出了针对性的建议。
      The ability to observe and analyze children’s behavior plays a key role in the professional qualityof normal students major⁃ ing in preschool education. This research aimed to explore the level of ability that normal students acquire to observe and analyze chil⁃ dren’s behavior and the influential factors. The research sampled 277 students in D university to conduct the questionnaire and six stu⁃ dents ofwhichwere selected randomly to join in an interview. Additionally,investigators also interviewed the lecturers in the module of observing and analyzing children’s behavior. The findings indicated that the observational abilitylevel of these students in D university⁃ tended to be at a low level,particularly in the aspects of specifying the observation purpose and recording the information of children’s behaviors,which needed to be strengthened. Besides,the researchers founded that the level of ability was influenced by factors like students’grades,internship time and guidance from tutors. Accordingly,this study puts forward targeted suggestions from three as⁃ pects of universities,teachers and students.
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