杨雨,万萦佳.资源分配不均情境下4-5 岁中班幼儿的分享行为研究[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2021,37(4):49-55
资源分配不均情境下4-5 岁中班幼儿的分享行为研究
A Study on the Sharing Behavior of 4-5 Years Old Children under UnevenResource Distribution
投稿时间:2021-02-02  修订日期:2021-02-21
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2021. 04. 007
中文关键词: 资源分配不均  独裁者游戏  同伴关系  分享行为  紧密联结
英文关键词: uneven distribution of resources  dictator game  peer relationship  sharing behavior  tight connection
杨雨,万萦佳 (1.南京市江宁区机关幼儿园江苏南京2111002.中国科学院心理研究所北京100875) 
摘要点击次数: 955
全文下载次数: 1522
      本文以成对的方式测试158名4-5岁的中班幼儿在游戏资源分配不均的游戏情境中对同班熟悉幼儿的分享行为,观察 资源优势方和资源劣势方的同伴关系,分别考察资源优势方对同班熟悉幼儿的分享意愿和行为及资源劣势方对同伴的侵略行 为和倾向。在对同班熟悉幼儿分享意愿方面,不同性别幼儿的分享意愿并没有明显的差异;但在面对资源不足时,男孩和女孩 在向对方求助方式有所不同,女孩比男孩更多地采取语言方式表达自己的需要和请求,男孩具有更多的侵略性。由资源分配 不均导致的优势方和资源劣势方在独裁者游戏中并没有表现出明显的差异性,但不同性别幼儿在独裁者游戏中分享的贴画分 享数量有着显著差异,男孩向匿名陌生幼儿分享的贴纸数量明显多于女孩,这表明在对匿名陌生人分享意愿方面男孩比女孩 更慷慨。
      158 middle-class children aged 4-5 years old were paired to test the sharing behavior to familiar children in the game situation with uneven allocation of game resources. The peer relationship between resource superior and resource inferior was observed,and the sharing willingness and behavior of resource superior to familiar children in the same class and the aggressive behavior and tendency of resource inferior to peers were investigated. In the aspect of sharing willingness,there is no significant difference between boys and girls; however,boys and girls have different ways of asking each other for help when facing the lack of resources. Girls express their needs and requests more in language than boys,and boys are more aggressive. There is no obvious difference between the superior and the inferior players in the dictator game due to the unequal allocation of resources. However,the number of stickers shared by children of different genders in dictator games is significantly different. The number of stickers shared by boys to anonymous strangers is significantly more than that of girls,which indicates that boys are more generous than girls in terms of willingness to share with anonymous strangers.
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