Xiaoxue and Philosophy: On Philosophy for Children in Zhu Xi’s Thoughts
投稿时间:2020-07-20  修订日期:2020-08-06
中文关键词: 关键词:儿童哲学  《小学》  《近思录》  道德
英文关键词: Key words: philosophy for Children  Xiaoxue  Jinsilu  morality
陈永宝 (厦门理工学院马克思主义学院福建厦门 361024) 
摘要点击次数: 1099
全文下载次数: 1178
      朱熹的存世文本中可以挖掘出朱熹的儿童观。这种儿童观在《小学》、《童蒙须知》、《近思录》和《朱子语类》中得以体 现。相比较古代教育中枯燥的师训弟背的教育模式,朱熹更为重视问答式与陪伴式的教育方法。这与李普曼和马修斯所主张 的philosophy with children的儿童哲学理念较为类似。于是,我们发现这种风靡各学术圈的教学法,竟然源自中国已有的 哲学精神。进而,挖掘朱子理学中的儿童哲学思想,便具有一定的可能性。需要明确的是,探讨朱熹的儿童哲学,既要尊重儿 童哲学的发起者李普曼对儿童哲学所下的定义,亦要挖掘朱熹儿童哲学的独有特色。朱熹的儿童哲学需要包括教师主导、价 值引领等方法论层面,也包括天理意识的本体论、格物致知的知识论及修身至德的伦理学面向。综上,既可回答朱熹儿童哲学 存在的合理性问题,亦可为中国儿童哲学的研究开辟一条可行的新路。
      Abstract: Zhu Xi’s educational works reveal his view on children. His view of children is widely embodied in Xiaoxue, Tong⁃ mengxuzhi, Jinxilu and Zhuziyulei. Compared with the boring education mode of teacher training and children reciting, Zhu Xi paid more attention to the question answering and accompanying education methods. This is similar to the philosophy of“philos⁃ ophy with children”advocated by Walter Lippmann and Gareth B. Matthews. Furthermore, it is possible to excavate the Philoso⁃ phy with children in Zhu Zi’s Neo Confucianism. What needs to be clear is that to explore Zhu Xi ’s philosophy for children, we should not only respect the definition of philosophy with children by Walter Lippmann, the initiator of philosophy for chil⁃ dren, but also explore the unique characteristics of Zhu Xi ’s philosophy for children. Therefore, Zhu Xi ’s philosophy with chil⁃ dren needs to include the methodology level of teacher ’s leading and value leading, as well as Ontology, Epistemology and Eth⁃ ics. To sum up, it can not only answer the rationality of Zhu Xi ’s philosophy with children, but also open up a new way for the study of Chinese philosophy for children
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