朱 珠,李秀敏,金春燕.托育服务需求与政策沿革的城市对比研究[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(7):41-47
A Comparative Study on the Demand and Policy Evolution of Child-care Service in Cities
投稿时间:2020-03-23  修订日期:2020-04-03
DOI:doi: 10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 07. 007
中文关键词: 关键词:托育服务  需求  城市对比;地方特色;政策沿革
英文关键词: Key words: child-care service  needs  comparison between cities  local characteristics  policy evolution
朱 珠 徐州幼儿师范高等专科学校学前与特殊教育学院江苏徐州 221004 
李秀敏 日本筑波大学人类综合科学日本筑波 305-8577 
金春燕 乐山师范学院科学教育学院四川乐山 614000 
摘要点击次数: 1061
全文下载次数: 625
      摘 要:2019年我国3岁以下婴幼儿托育服务系列政策相继出台,各地政府积极响应,开展工作。本研究基于需求理论分析不同城市托育服务的需求差异,促进地方托育服务政策的制定与落实。通过文献研究,明确需求在政策沿革中的重要作用。通过调查研究,总结X市的托育服务需求特点。通过对比分析,发现在基本需求、品质需求、选择标准以及政府作用期待方面,城市间具有明显异同表现。基于不同需求特点及需求变化讨论政策沿革,提出合理化思考与建议。
      Abstract:A series of polices on child-care service for infants under 3 years old was published in 2019 by Chinese government. Local governments responded positively and carried out their work. Based on the demand theory, this study analyzes the demand differences of different urban child-care services in order to promote the formulation and implementation of local child-care service policies. Through literature research, it identifies the impact of child-care needs on policy evolution. Through investigation and research, the characteristics of child-care service demand in X city are summarized. Through comparative analysis, it is found that there are obvious similarities and differences in the following aspects: basic needs, quality requirements, select criteria and expectations of the role of government. Based on different demand characteristics and demand changes, the paper discusses the policy evolution, and puts forward rational thinking and suggestions.
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