赵扬眉,张 杰.形式与意义:儿童文学作品中的游戏精神[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(5):122-127
Form and Meaning: Game Spirit in Children’s Literature
投稿时间:2019-12-30  修订日期:2020-03-07
DOI:doi: 10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 05. 020
中文关键词: 关键词:儿童文学  文学作品  游戏精神
英文关键词: Key words:children’s literature  literary works  game spirit
赵扬眉 成都市温江区柳城幼儿园四川成都 611130 
张 杰 成都师范学院教育学院四川成都 611130 
摘要点击次数: 1112
全文下载次数: 2280
      摘 要:儿童文学的“游戏精神”主要是指在儿童作品文本中体现出的、通过人物游戏所传递的一种符合儿童心理需求和审美旨趣,并实现儿童内心愿望的精神。周作人认为儿童文学的游戏精神是“幻想精神”“愉悦精神”和“自由精神”。儿童文学游戏精神具有快乐性、幻想性和自由性的三性特征。“游戏精神”在儿童文学中作品的主要呈现形式为:通过“顽童”“小大人”、“反派”等人物形象的塑造凸显游戏精神;通过故事情节蕴涵的笨拙与聪明、嬉笑与吵闹、虚拟与真实凸显游戏精神;通过语言夸张凸显荒诞美、语言颠倒凸显逆向思维、语言突转凸显惊奇,从而凸显游戏精神。游戏精神对于儿童文学作品编创的意义在于:游戏精神是儿童文学的基本属性和内涵所在,新媒介时代儿童文学的发展需要延续游戏精神。因此游戏精神是儿童文学的作品编创的重要依据和准则。
      Abstract: The “game spirit”in children’s literature mainly refers to the spirit that is reflected in the text of children’s works and conveyed through character games, which conforms to children’s psychological needs and aesthetic purport, and realizes children’s inner desire. Zhou Zuoren thinks that game spirit of children’s literature is “the spirit offantasy”, “the spirit of pleasure” and “the spirit of freedom”. The game spirit of children’s literature has three characteristics of pleasure, fantasy and freedom. The main forms of “game spirit” in children’s literature are as follows: to highlight the game spirit through the shaping of characters such as “naughty boy”, “little adult” and “villain”; to highlight the game spirit through clumsiness and cleverness, playfulness and noise, virtual and reality contained in the story; to highlight the absurd beauty through language exaggeration, reverse thinking through language reversal, and surprise through sudden language change, which highlights the spirit of game. The significance of game spirit for the creation of children’s literature lies in that game spirit is the basic attribute and connotation of children’s literature, and the development of children’s literature in the new media era needs to continue the game spirit. Therefore, game spirit is an important basis and criterion for the creation of children’s literature.
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