Narrative of Creating Micro-Social Scene —Taking the Space Creation of a Kindergarten in Xianyou as an Example
投稿时间:2019-05-13  修订日期:2019-07-23
中文关键词: 微社会场景  叙事探究  幼儿园空间  幼儿参与
英文关键词: micro-social scene  narrative inquiry  the space of kindergarten  children’s participation
杨宏琪 (莆田学院基础教育学院福建仙游 351200) 
摘要点击次数: 1101
全文下载次数: 994
      以仙游某所幼儿园微社会场景创设为主轴,阐述园长、教师与幼儿透过共同参与的方式对园内空间进行微社会创设,并透过叙事探究的方法对此空间的创设历程进行阐述。故事发展围绕在相关成员的认知经验与生活体验,其历程可分成三段:空间创设之初,园长与教师因为无法决定所以纳入了幼儿的参与; 空间创设的中段:幼儿的积极参与与遭遇困难是决定微社会场景是否成功的关键点; 最后的故事,幼儿虽成功的购置相关产品,却也引发后续保养以及如何使用的伦理议题。总体而言,因为有孩童的参与空间创设,让空间体验增加了许多童趣与意义,而空间创设回归到孩童的身上,才赋予此幼儿园更多的生命故事。
      This study explores the creation of micro-social scenes in relation to a kindergarten in Xianyou. The author, with the permission of the kindergarten principals, teachers, and children, created a micro-social space in the kindergarten for the purpose of the study. The study revolved around the cognitive and life experience of the participants and was divided into three parts: the beginning, the middle, and the end of the space creation.In the beginning, the kindergarten principals and teachers could not decide how to create the space without the participation of the children. At the middle of the space creation, the children’s active participation and difficulties were utilized to determine the success of the micro-social scenes. Finally, although the children were able to successfully navigate the micro-social scenes, ethical issues were also raised regarding how to stand in a line and when to use it. Generally speaking, the micro-social space within this kindergarten has increased a lot of children’s fun and significance because of the children’s participation. The right of space creation returns to the child, thus creating more life stories.
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