The Impact of Parent-Child Play on Prosocial Behavior of Preschool Children: Chain Mediation of Parent-Child Emotional Talk and Parenting Behavior and It’s Gender Differences
投稿时间:2024-11-16  修订日期:2024-12-21
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2025. 02. 006
中文关键词: 亲子游戏  亲社会行为  亲子情绪谈话  教养行为  学前儿童
英文关键词: parent-child play  prosocial behavior  parent-child emotional talk  parenting behavior  preschool children
武晓梅 (阜阳幼儿师范高等专科学校安徽阜阳 236000) 
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      为探讨亲子游戏、亲子情绪谈话、教养行为和亲社会行为的关系,研究采用亲子游戏量表、教养行为量表、亲社会量表以及情感谈话任务检测(在讲故事任务和回忆任务中检测儿童亲子情感谈话)对2-6岁的407名儿童及其主要抚养者进行调查。结果表明: 1)亲子游戏与学前儿童亲社会行为显著正相关; 2)亲子情绪谈话和信任民主教养行为在亲子游戏和儿童亲社会行为间起中介作用,包括亲子情绪谈话独立中介作用、信任民主教养行为独立中介作用和亲子情绪谈话-信任民主教养行为的链式中介作用; 3)亲子情绪谈话和专制权威教养行为在亲子游戏和儿童亲社会行为间起中介作用,包括亲子情绪谈话独立中介作用和亲子情绪谈话-专制权威教养行为的链式中介作用; 4)链式中介效应存在儿童性别差异。因此,本研究提示增加亲子游戏和亲子情绪谈话,持信任民主教养方式,有利于促进学前儿童亲社会行为发展。
      To explore the relationship between parent-child play, parent-child emotional talk, parenting behaviors, and prosocial behaviors, the study used the Parent-Child Play Scale, Parenting Behavior Scale, Prosocial Behavior Scale, and the Emotional Talk Task Test (which detected children’s parent-child emotional talk in storytelling tasks and recall tasks) with 407 children aged 2 to 6 years and their primary caregivers. The resultsshowed that :1) parent-child play was significantly and positively correlated with preschool children’s prosocial behavior; 2) parent-child emotional talk and trust-oriented democratic parenting behaviors mediated the relationship between parent-child play and children’s prosocial behavior, including independent mediation of of parent-child emotional talk, independentmeditation of trust-oriented democratic parenting behaviors, and chainmediation of parent-child emotional talk-trust-oriented democratic parenting behaviors; 3) parent-child emotional talk and authoritarian parenting behaviors mediated between parent-child play and children’s prosocial behaviors, including the mediation of parent-child emotional talk and the chain mediationof authoritarian parenting behaviors; 4) gender differences were observed in the chain mediation effects among children. Therefore, the study suggests that increasing parent-child play and emotional talk while adopting a trusting and democratic parenting style are beneficial for promoting the development of prosocial behaviors in preschool children.
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