Portrayal of Older People in Children’s Picture Books from the Perspective of Successful Aging
投稿时间:2024-11-07  修订日期:2024-11-11
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2025. 02. 004
中文关键词: 成功老化  绘本  老年人形象  内容分析
英文关键词: successful aging  picture books  portrayal of older people  content analysis
李成齐,张晔麒,李爽 (湖州师范学院教师教育学院浙江湖州 313000) 
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      In order to gain a deep understanding of the portrayal of older people in picture books and promote children’s formation of a correct perception and respect for older people, 40 domestic and international picture books featuring the older people as protagonists, including Grandma’s Blue Tin Cabinet Wheelchair, were analyzed from the perspective of successful aging. The results of the study show that the portrayal of the older people in the picture books are mainly expressed in four categories: physical health, physical features, social roles and personality traits.Through in-depth analysis of the number and proportion of older people of different genders in the four categories, it is found that the portrayal of older people in picture books often carries stereotypes and lacks of deeper meaning; at the same time, it also lacks of the support of the contemporary context, which is out of touch with modern life. Therefore, it is suggested that the four-dimensional model of successful aging could be incorporated into the creation of picture books, and the modern elements could also be involved, such as digitalization, healthy living and social contribution, so as to make the portrayal of older people scientifically literate, positive and keep abreast of the times.
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