邓碧琳, 肖二平, 李建华, 彭 艳.父母参与、养育胜任感的差异及对幼儿入学准备的影响[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2025,41(1):30-40 |
父母参与、养育胜任感的差异及对幼儿入学准备的影响 |
The Impact of Differences in Parental Involvement and Parenting Competence on Children’s School Readiness |
投稿时间:2024-10-07 修订日期:2024-10-17 |
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2025. 01. 004 |
中文关键词: 父职参与 母职参与 父母养育胜任感 入学准备 协同教养 |
英文关键词: father involvement mother involvement parenting competence school readiness coparenting |
基金项目:湖南省教育科学“十四五”规划课题一般项目(ND229658) |
摘要点击次数: 31 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
父母协同教养对提升社会的生育意愿和人口质量具有重要意义。考察父职与母职参与的差异,以及父母参与、父母养育胜任感对大班幼儿入学准备的影响。结果显示:1)当下社会家庭养育的主要责任人仍是母亲,父职/母职的参与受到家庭所在地和幼儿性别的影响,农村、男幼儿父职参与的人数显著高于城市、女幼儿父职参与的人数; 2)母职参与在家庭监督、亲子活动和情感沟通上显著高于父职参与;3)父职与母职的养育效能感和满意度无显著差别;4)母职参与的幼儿学习准备显著高于父职参与;5)父母参与正向预测父母养育胜任感和幼儿入学准备,父母养育胜任感正向预测幼儿入学准备,但父职/母职不存在调节效应。这表明,不存在母亲养育更好或者父亲养育更好,子女养育需要家庭和社会建立良好支持系统,促使父职做出更多积极协同教养行为,建构新型父职角色和父职实践,最终达成父职与母职协同教养。 |
英文摘要: |
The significance of collaborative parenting lies in its positive impact on enhancing societal fertility intentions and improving population quality. The study explores the differences between father involvement and mother involvement, as well as impact of differences in parental involvement and parenting competence on children’s school readiness. Results are as follows: 1) Currently, mother is still the primary caregiver of a family, and parents involvement is affected by region and gender, with father involvement being significantly higher in rural area than in urban area and the father involvement of boys being significantly higher than that of girls’; 2) The overall degree of mother involvement is significantly higher than father’s, including family supervision, parent-child activities and emotional communication; 3) There was no significant difference in parenting self-efficacy and satisfaction between father involvement and mother involvement; 4) Gender of parents affects children’s learning readiness, mother involvement being significantly higher than father’s; 5) Parent involvement could positively predict parenting competence and children’s school readiness, and parenting competence could positively predict children’s school readiness, however, there is no moderating effect of mother involvement and father involvement, which meant the gender in parent involvement don’t affect the prediction. It is not necessarily concluded that mother parenting is better than father parent and vice versa. Family and social supporting system are indispensable for children’s grow-up. Fathers should be promoted to perform obligations in children’s parenting in order to achieve the coparenting. |
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