The Relationship Between Maternal Emotional Warmth and Young Children’s Social-Emotional Competence: the Mediating Role of Media Addiction and the Moderating Effect of Parent-Child Interaction Quality
投稿时间:2024-09-12  修订日期:2024-10-17
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2025. 01. 002
中文关键词: 母亲情感温暖  社会情感能力  幼儿媒介沉迷  亲子互动质量
英文关键词: maternal emotional warmth  social-emotional competence  early childhood media addiction  parent-child interaction quality
韩毅初,钱嘉濠 (湖州师范学院教师教育学院浙江湖州 313000) 
摘要点击次数: 14
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      为探讨母亲情感温暖对幼儿社会情感能力的影响及其作用机制,基于生态系统理论和新生态理论构建了一个有调节的中介模型,重点考察幼儿媒介沉迷的中介作用及亲子互动质量的调节作用。以 353 名母亲为被试,采用屏幕暴露量表、家庭环境量表、社会情感能力量表、亲子互动质量量表进行调查,结果发现: 1) 母亲情感温暖和幼儿社会情感能力之间呈显著正相关,与幼儿媒介沉迷之间呈显著负相关;亲子互动质量与幼儿媒介沉迷之间呈显著负相关; 2) 母亲情感温暖不仅能够直接正向预测社会情感能力,还能够通过幼儿媒介沉迷的中介作用对社会情感能力产生影响; 3)“母亲情感温暖→幼儿媒介沉迷→社会情感能力”这一中介效应的前半段受到亲子互动质量的调节,在亲子互动质量较高的个体中,母亲情感温暖对幼儿媒介沉迷的影响更强。研究结果表明:母亲情感温暖可以通过减轻幼儿媒介沉迷来促进社会情感能力发展,亲子互动质量能够增强母亲情感温暖对幼儿媒介沉迷的削弱作用,进而影响社会情感能力。
      In orderto explore the impact of maternal emotional warmth on children’s social-emotional abilities and its underlying mechanisms, the studyconstructed a moderated mediation model, focusing on the mediating role of children’s media addiction and the moderating effect of parent-child interaction qualitybased on ecological systems theory and new ecological theory. A survey was conducted with 353 mothers using the Screen Exposure Scale, Family Environment Scale, Social Emotional Ability Scale, and Parent-Child Interaction Quality Scale. The results revealed that: 1) maternal emotional warmth was significantly positively correlated with children’s social-emotional competence and significantly negatively correlated with young children’s media addiction; the quality of parent-child interaction was significantly negatively correlated with young children’s media addiction; 2) not only did maternal emotional warmth directly and positively predicted social-emotional competence but also indirectly influenced them through the mediation of young children’s media addiction; 3) the first half of the mediating effect“maternal emotional warmth→children’s media addiction→social-emotional competence”was moderated by the quality of parent-child interaction, and the impact of maternal emotional warmth on young children’s media addiction was stronger among individuals with higher parent-child interaction quality. The research findings indicated that maternal emotional warmth promoted the development of social-emotionalcompetence by reducing children’s media addiction, and the quality of parent-child interaction enhanced the weakening effect of maternal emotional warmth on children’s media addiction, thereby influencing social-emotional competence.
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