Comparison and Enlightenment of the Integrated Care and Education Quality Evaluation Standards for Early Childhood in the UK and Australia
投稿时间:2024-09-04  修订日期:2024-09-16
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 12. 011
中文关键词: 托幼一体化  保教质量评价标准  英国早期教育  澳大利亚早期教育
英文关键词: integrated childcare and education  standards for assessing the quality of childcare and education  early education in the uk  early education in australia
王睿智,陆睿 (1.扬州市职业大学师范学院江苏扬州 2250002.中共扬州市广陵区委党校江苏扬州 225000) 
摘要点击次数: 38
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      Integrated childcare and education is the main trend in international early education development. As countries with relatively well developed integrated education and care service systems, the UK and Australia have some common features in the construction of quality evaluation standards for integrated childcare and education: during the development process from separation to integration, the management systems and evaluation standards are progressively integrated; the value orientation of evaluation standards emphasizes “child-centered”, and attaches importance to the development of institutions; the content framework of quality standards is applicable in the same range but has differences, and attaches importance to process quality. Therefore, by learning from the pioneering experience of these two countries, China should explore and develop integrated childcare and education quality evaluation standards: firstly, we should improve the legal protection at the national level and gradually establish a unified management system; secondly, when developing integrated childcare and education quality evaluation indicator system, we should highlight the“child-centered”development view; finally, we should improve the implementation mechanism of the evaluation standards and attach importance to the development of childcare and education institutions.
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