The Relationship between Work Connectivity Behavior after-hours and Kindergarten Teachers’Turnover Intention — the Role of Work Disengagement and Digital Literacy
投稿时间:2024-09-12  修订日期:2024-09-24
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 12. 008
中文关键词: 非工作时间连通行为  幼儿园教师  离职倾向  工作脱离  数字素养
英文关键词: work connectivity behavior after-hours  kindergarten teacher  turnover intention  work disengagement  digital literacy
基金项目:浙江省高等教育学会高等教育研究一般课题(KT2024322);宁波幼儿师范高等专科学校教学改革研究一般项目 (NSJG202404);宁波幼儿师范高等专科学校校级科研一般课题(NBYZKY2024007)
乐星宇,沈海燕 (1.宁波幼儿师范高等专科学校鹤琴学前教育学院浙江宁波 315336 2.杭州市钱塘区云水苑幼儿园浙江杭州 310018) 
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      为探讨非工作时间连通行为与幼儿园教师离职倾向的关系及其内在机制,采用方便取样法,使用非工作时间连通行为量表、幼儿园教师离职倾向量表、工作脱离量表、幼儿园教师数字素养量表对浙江省某3市200名幼儿园教师进行调查。结果发现:非工作时间连通行为与幼儿园教师离职倾向的关系呈显著正相关(r=0.324,p<0.01)。工作脱离在非工作时间连通行为与幼儿园教师离职倾向间起中介作用(效应值=0.18,Boot SE=0.06,95% CI=0.06~0.30)。数字素养对工作脱离在非工作时间连通行为与幼儿园教师离职倾向间的中介作用中起调节作用(β=-0.17,p<0.05)。基于此,幼儿园管理者应当关注教师非工作时间的工作参与,合理安排工作任务,并提供一系列支持和资源,帮助教师恢复和调适。同时,也需提高幼儿园教师数字素养,帮助教师融入数字环境。
      In order to explore the relationship between work connectivity behavior after-hours and kindergarten teachers’ turnover intention and its internal mechanism, a convenient sampling method was used to investigate 200 kindergarten teachers in three cities of Zhejiang Province by using the Work Connectivity Behavior After-hours Scale, Kindergarten Teachers’ Turnover Intention Scale, Work Disengagement Scale and Kindergarten Teachers’ Digital Literacy Scale. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between work connectivity behavior after-hours and kindergarten teachers’ turnover intention (r=0.324, p<0.01). Work disengagement plays an intermediary role between work connectivity behavior after-hours and kindergarten teachers’ turnover intention (indirect effect=0.18, Boot SE=0.06, 95% CI=0.06~0.30). Digital literacy played a moderating role in the mediating role of work disengagement between non-working time connectivity behavior and kindergarten teachers’ turnover intention (β=-0.17, p<0.05). Based on this, kindergarten managers should pay attention to teachers’work participation in non-working hours, arrange work tasks reasonably, and provide a series of support and resources to help teachers recover and adjust. At the same time, it is also necessary to improve the digital literacy of kindergarten teachers and help teachers integrate into the digital environment.
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