房敏 ,蔡云 ,马金霞.兼济抑或独善:中庸思维对学前骨干教师领导力的影响研究[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(11):70-79
“Benefiting All”or“Being Righteous Alone”: the Influence of Zhong-yong Thinking on Preschool Backbone Teachers’Leadership
投稿时间:2024-09-17  修订日期:2024-10-06
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 11. 009
中文关键词: 教师领导力  中庸思维  心理所有权  变革型领导  计划行为理论
英文关键词: teacher leadership  Zhong-yong thinking  psychological ownership  transformational leadership  theory of planned behavior
房敏 ,蔡云 ,马金霞 (1.齐鲁师范学院学前教育学院山东济南 2502002.临沂大学教育学院山东临沂 276000) 
摘要点击次数: 70
全文下载次数: 14
      骨干教师领导力建设对于促进教师社群发展具有重要意义,传统文化是影响教师领导力的重要因素。为揭示中庸思维对骨干教师领导力发挥的影响,以学前骨干教师为对象,以计划行为理论构建预测模型,探究中庸思维、心理所有权和感知园长变革型领导对学前骨干教师领导力的作用机制。结果表明: 1)中庸思维对学前骨干教师心理所有权及其领导力起正向预测作用,心理所有权在中庸思维和教师领导力之间起中介作用; 2)变革型领导在中庸思维对教师领导力的直接预测路径上存在正调节作用,在中庸思维对心理所有权的直接预测路径上存在负调节作用; 3)变革型领导总体上促进了中庸思维对教师领导力的预测。加强骨干教师领导力建设,应辨明中庸本意,澄清中庸价值,强化教育师范生成长过程中的中庸思维培养。组织领袖采用变革型领导时,应注重道德领导和专业领导,以家庭支持行为增进个别化关怀,利用中庸道德机制和弹性机制增进骨干教师领导力。
      The building of backbone teachers’ leadership is of great significance to promote the development of teacher’s community, with traditional culture an important factor. In order to reveal the influence of Zhong-yong thinking on the backbone teacher’s leadership, this study takes preschool backbone teachers as subjects, constructs a model based on the theory of planned behavior, and analyzes the mechanism of Zhong-yong thinking, psychological ownership and transformational leadership of principals of kindergarten on preschool backbone teachers’ leadership. The results show that:1)Zhong-yong thinking has a positive predictive effect on psychological ownership and preschool backbone teachers leadership, and psychological ownership plays a mediating role between Zhong-yong thinking and teacher leadership;2)transformational leadership has a positive moderating effect on the direct path of Zhong-yong thinking to teacher leadership, and a negative moderating effect on the direct prediction path of Zhong-yong thinking to psychological ownership; 3)Totally, transformational leadership promotes the prediction of teachers leadership by Zhong-yong thinking. To strengthen the construction of teacher’s leadership, the meaning and the value of Zhong-yong should be clarified, and the cultivation of Zhong-yong thinking in the process of normal students’ growth should be noticed. While implementing transformational leadership, the leaders of educational organizations should attach importance to moral leadership and professional leadership, show individual care by family support behaviors, and enhance the preschool backbone teacher’s leadership by using moral and elastic mechanism of Zhong-yong thinking.
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