Types of Recovery Experiences and Work Conditions of Preschool Teachers: Based on Latent Profile Analysis
投稿时间:2024-09-02  修订日期:2024-09-09
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 11. 008
中文关键词: 恢复体验  情绪耗竭  工作幸福感  离职倾向  潜在剖面分析
英文关键词: recovery experience  emotional exhaustion  work well-being  turnover intentions  latent profile analysis
薛曼莉,陈昱玲,谢庆斌 (1.南京师范大学教育科学学院江苏南京 2100242. 珠海市香洲区健民幼儿园广东珠海 519000 3.福建师范大学教育学院福建福州 350007 ) 
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      A good working condition of preschool teachers is of great importance to improving the quality of education and teachers’ well-being. In order to investigate the types of preschool teachers’ recovery experience and their work conditions, this study has investigated 1013 preschool teachers by using the Recovery Experience Scale, Emotional Exhaustion Scale, Employee Well-being Scale, and Turnover Intentions Scale. The results showed that preschool teachers’ recovery experience could be divided into the following types: exhausted(12%), helpless(33%), mixed(40%), and transformed(15%); kindergarten managers, teachers with bachelor’s degree or above, and teachers in public kindergartens have a higher proportion of being exhausted and helpless; and Teachers with different types of recovery experience have different emotional exhaustion, job happiness and turnover intention. In order to improve the working conditions of preschool teachers, it is suggested that teachers should adopt various strategies to recover their psychological resources. Besides, kindergartens should improve the recovery experience of preschool teachers according to the characteristics of different types, and explore new paths to enhance the well-being of the teaching force.
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