但菲,陈萌尧.幼儿死亡主题绘本的内容分析及教育启示[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(11):29-36 |
幼儿死亡主题绘本的内容分析及教育启示 |
Content Analysis and Educational Implication of Death-Themed Picture Books for Young Children |
投稿时间:2024-08-06 修订日期:2024-09-05 |
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 11. 004 |
中文关键词: 死亡教育 幼儿死亡主题绘本 编码分析 |
英文关键词: death education children’s death-themed picture books coding analysis |
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摘要点击次数: 85 |
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中文摘要: |
死亡教育不仅是让幼儿理性认识死亡的重要途径,更是珍惜美好生活的心理健康教育的基石,死亡主题绘本作为死亡教育的重要载体之一具有巨大的教育价值。基于质性分析软件NVivo12.0对49本幼儿死亡主题绘本进行编码分析,结果发现,此类绘本内容涉及死亡特征和死亡的情绪性反应两大核心节点;将死亡主题绘本融入到幼儿的死亡教育,能够提高幼儿对死亡的科学认知,形成积极的生活态度,促进情绪情感发展。基于此进一步提出了对死亡主题绘本的选择与应用以及相关主题绘本创编的五点启示:消除成人自身的死亡恐惧、把握绘本内容的适读性和针对性、尊重幼儿的情绪情感反应、辩证看待绘本的死亡文化性以及创作与我国文化结合的死亡主题绘本。 |
英文摘要: |
Death education is not only an important way for children to rationally understand death, but also the cornerstone of mental health education to cherish a better life. As one of the important carriers of death education, death-themed picture books have great educational value. Based on the qualitative analysis software NVivo 12.0, coding analysis was conducted on 49 children’s death-themed picture books. The results showed that the content of such picture books involved two core nodes: death characteristics and emotional reactions to death. Integrating death-themed picture books into young children’s death education can improve children’s scientific cognition of death, form a positive attitude towards life, and promote their emotional development. Based on this, this paper further puts forward five insights on the selection and application of death-themed picture books and the creation of related theme picture books: eliminating adults’ own fear of death, grasping the readability and pertinence of picture books, respecting children’s emotional responses, dialectically viewing the death culture of picture books, and creating death-themed picture books integrated with Chinese culture. |
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