Content Analysis and Educational Implication of Death-Themed Picture Books for Young Children
投稿时间:2024-08-06  修订日期:2024-09-05
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 11. 004
中文关键词: 死亡教育  幼儿死亡主题绘本  编码分析
英文关键词: death education  children’s death-themed picture books  coding analysis
但菲,陈萌尧 (沈阳师范大学学前与初等教育学院辽宁沈阳 110034) 
摘要点击次数: 85
全文下载次数: 8
      Death education is not only an important way for children to rationally understand death, but also the cornerstone of mental health education to cherish a better life. As one of the important carriers of death education, death-themed picture books have great educational value. Based on the qualitative analysis software NVivo 12.0, coding analysis was conducted on 49 children’s death-themed picture books. The results showed that the content of such picture books involved two core nodes: death characteristics and emotional reactions to death. Integrating death-themed picture books into young children’s death education can improve children’s scientific cognition of death, form a positive attitude towards life, and promote their emotional development. Based on this, this paper further puts forward five insights on the selection and application of death-themed picture books and the creation of related theme picture books: eliminating adults’ own fear of death, grasping the readability and pertinence of picture books, respecting children’s emotional responses, dialectically viewing the death culture of picture books, and creating death-themed picture books integrated with Chinese culture.
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