谢红玉,刘 红,齐雨荷.媒介再现父职:“新父亲”形象与父职教育契机——基于网络短视频的内容分析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2024,40(4):19-27
Media Reproduction of Fatherhood: The Image of “New Father” and the Opportunity of Fatherhood Education:Content Analysis Based on On-line Video Clips
投稿时间:2024-02-22  修订日期:2024-02-23
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2024. 04. 003
中文关键词: 爸爸带娃  新父亲  媒介再现父职  短视频  内容分析
英文关键词: dads with children  new fathers  media reproduction of fatherhood  video clips  content analysis
谢红玉,刘 红,齐雨荷 (1.安庆师范大学教师教育学院安徽安庆 2461332.安庆宜城科技学校安徽安庆 246100) 
摘要点击次数: 22
全文下载次数: 8
      With the penetration of online video clips in Chinese people’s daily life, the clips about “fathers’nursing of children” have also gradually mediated fathers’ family lives. Therefore, the article takes the video clips on the three major online platforms, namely WeChat Video, Xiaohongshu and Tiktok, as the object of the study, and employs the content analysis method to explore the image of “new fathers” in the reproduction of fatherhood in the media, as well as the potential fatherhood education opportunities implied in the media. The study found that: the media reproduction of fatherhood mainly includes “caring fatherhood”, which has a positive social impact; shows the father's willingness to participate in daily caring of their children; and shapes a more interactive fatherhood image of equality, affinity and wisdom; and also under the “flow economy” trend, diversified “new fathers” characterized with “nursing babies in a fancy way”have also emerged and spred widely. In view of the great influence and effectiveness of on-line communication, the media reproduction of fatherhood provides educational opportunities for the current fatherhood practice in China by promoting the dissemination of new fatherhood concepts and setting up role models, clarifying the direction of localized fatherhood, and expanding the dimensions of fathers’ emotional involvement.
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