侯 佳 ,袁 晨.陕西省城乡4-5岁幼儿心理理论发展比较研究[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2023,39(1):46-52
A Comparative Study on the Development of 4-5-year Old Children’s Theory of Mind in Urban and Rural Shaanxi Province
投稿时间:2022-09-24  修订日期:2022-11-21
DOI:10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2023. 01. 007
中文关键词: 城乡  幼儿  心理理论  比较研究
英文关键词: urban and rural areas  children  theory of mind  comparative study
侯 佳 ,袁 晨 1.陕西学前师范学院幼儿教育学院陕西西安 7101002.西安市第一保育院陕西西安 710054 
摘要点击次数: 453
全文下载次数: 287
      Forty children aged 4-5 in urban and rural Shaanxi Province were selected as subjects to investigate the commonness and difference of their development of theory of mind. The results showed that the development level of theory of mind in urban group was significantly higher than that in rural group; The children’s understanding ability of conflict belief in urban group was significantly better than that in rural group; The cognition ability of emotional naming and emotional viewpoint of children in urban group was significantly better than that in rural group; In the emotional comprehension task, the scores of children’s identification of fear and sadness in the urban group were significantly better than those in the rural group; The average score of theory of mind in urban group was higher than that in rural group, while the average score of discrimination belief in rural group was higher than that in urban group; The two groups of children need to improve their understanding of unexpected location and explicit false beliefs.
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