时 松 ,苏 德 ,张盛蓉.教育脱贫视阈下边境乡村学前教育发展的田野研究 ——以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州为例[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2020,36(10):79-87
教育脱贫视阈下边境乡村学前教育发展的田野研究 ——以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州为例
Field Research on the Development of Preschool Education in Border Villages from the Perspective of Educational Poverty Alleviation —A Case study of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province
投稿时间:2020-07-16  修订日期:2020-07-30
中文关键词: 教育脱贫  少数民族  学前教育  田野研究
基金项目:2018 年度教育部全国民族教育科研课题( 重大项目) ( ZXZD18003)
时 松 ,苏 德 ,张盛蓉 (1.中央民族大学教育学院北京 1000812.怒江傈僳族自治州民族中等专业学校公共学科专业部云南泸水 673100) 
摘要点击次数: 1233
全文下载次数: 924
      教育是减少贫困的重要手段。学前教育作为基础教育的基础,其在教育脱贫功效发挥的过程中具有特殊的贡献。云 南怒江州是我国“三区三州”少数民族深度贫困地区之一。近几年,怒江州学前教育在办园规模、幼儿园毛入园率等方面取得 了巨大的进展。但是师资数量短缺、教师队伍专业素养偏低、教学小学化严重、在园活动保育环节不健全等突出问题,制约着 乡村幼儿园保教质量的提升,进而会影响教育脱贫整体功效的发挥。提升少数民族深度贫困地区乡村学前教育质量,既要在 物质层面继续完善办园条件,更要着力于尽快在师资层面建立优质教师补充机制,比如试行“少数民族深度贫困地区学前免费 师范生计划”,同时需要加快补充配齐较为优质的临时保教人员,加大在职幼儿园教师专业培训。
      Education is an important means to reduce poverty. Preschool education, as the foundation of basic education, has a special contribution on the process of educational poverty alleviation. Nujiang prefecture in Yunnan province is one of the “three districts and three prefectures”severely impoverished ethnic minority areas in China. In recent years, Nujiang prefecture preschool education has made great progress in terms of the scale of kindergarten and the gross enrollment rate of kindergarten. However, the shortage of teachers, the low professional quality of teachers, the serious primary school teaching, and the imper⁃ fect kindergarten activities have restricted the improvement of rural kindergarten's quality of care and education, which will fur⁃ ther affect the overall effect of educational poverty alleviation. To improve preschool education quality in the rural severely im⁃ poverished ethnic minority areas, not only the conditions of kindergarten need to be improved, but also a teachers supplement mechanism of high quality needs to be set up as soon as possible, such as“free teacher students plan in ethnic minorities”. At
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