The Evolution of the “Villain” in Chinese Political and Cultural Symbols
投稿时间:2020-01-02  修订日期:2020-02-07
DOI:doi: 10. 11995/j. issn. 2095-770X. 2020. 05. 021
中文关键词: 关键词:小人  中国政治文化  符号  私德  公德
英文关键词: Key words: the villain  Chinese political and culture  Symbols  Private virtue  Public virtue
房玉柱 陕西学前师范学院文学院陕西西安 710100 
摘要点击次数: 1186
全文下载次数: 864
      摘 要:“小人”是中国政治文化中一种特有的现象,往往与“君子”对举,在先秦时期,经历了由位到德的变化,成为社会评价和审美评价的标准。汉唐时期,不攻小人,国家强盛。东汉末年的党锢之祸,唐末的牛李党争,都是由于君子和小人的激辩而产生的党争,致使国家衰亡。宋明时期对小人大加攻伐,宋代产生了庆历党争、元佑党争、蔡京对新党的迫害以及庆元党禁等几次党争,并伴随宋代始终。明代围绕着大礼仪开始了君子和小人的激辩,因此而影响了明代的政治格局,明末东林党和阉党的斗争,加速了明代的灭亡。其实在中国政治文化中,小人成了持不同政见者的代名词。
      Abstract: The “Villain" is a unique phenomenon in Chinese political culture, which is often opposed to the "gentleman". In the pre-Qin period, it experienced the change from the position to the morality and became the standard of the social evaluation and the aesthetic evaluation. In the Han and Tang Dynasties, the country was strong without attacking the villains. Both the disaster of Danggu at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the fractional struggle of Niu and Li at the end of Tang Dynasty were caused by the fractional struggle resulted from the fierce debate between the gentlemen and the villains, which led to decline of the country. During Song and Ming Dynasties, the great attacks were launched against the villiains. In the Song Dynasty, there were several party disputes, such as Qingli party dispute, Yuanyou party dispute, Caijing's persecution of the new party and Qingyuan party ban, which were always accompanied by the Song Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty began a fierce debate between the gentlemen and the villains around the great etiquette, which affected the political structure of the Ming Dynasty. The struggle between the Donglin Party and the eunuch party in the late Ming Dynasty accelerated the demise of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, in Chinese political culture, the villain has become a synonym for dissident.
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