Research on the Construction of Political Ecology within the Party and Its Historical Experience in Yan’an Period
投稿时间:2019-03-21  修订日期:2019-05-31
中文关键词: 延安时期  党内政治生态  形成过程  历史经验
英文关键词: Yan’an period  political ecology within the Party  formation process  historical experience
付建成 (陕西学前师范学院核心价值观培育与红色文化基因传承协同创新研究中心 陕西西安 710061) 
万生更 (陕西学前师范学院核心价值观培育与红色文化基因传承协同创新研究中心 陕西西安 710061) 
摘要点击次数: 962
全文下载次数: 1285
      The construction of political ecology within the Party in Yan’an period has gone through three stages of formation, maturity and consolidation. Through the rectification campaign and the party consolidation movement, as well as persistent educational activities, the political ecology within the Party has been constructed; a strong central leadership and a unified leadership system have been established to play the role of fighting fortress of grass-root party organizations and provide institutional guarantee for the construction of political ecology within the Party; the purification mechanism, incentive mechanism and supervision mechanism have been established for the construction of the political ecology within the Party; the education of ideals and beliefs have been taken as the driving force, the democratic centralism, the Party’s discipline and system have been taken as the basic norms, the construction of the political ecology within the Party has been strengthened with the main purpose of realizing the unity of the Party. Therefore, the goal of “uniting of the whole Party like steel” and “making the Party ‘lively’” were realized, the great project of Party construction was also accomplished.
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