徐 翔.当代中国乡村生态的呈现——贾平凹《极花》的乡土书写[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(12):112-117 |
当代中国乡村生态的呈现——贾平凹《极花》的乡土书写 |
The Presentation of Contemporary Chinese Rural Ecology—The Native Writing of Jia Pingwa's Ji Hua |
投稿时间:2017-08-04 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2017.12.026 |
中文关键词: 贾平凹 《极花》 乡村 生态 |
英文关键词: Jia Pingwa Ji Hua rural ecology |
基金项目:西安培华学院校级科研项目(PHKT17042) |
摘要点击次数: 1853 |
全文下载次数: 1222 |
中文摘要: |
贾平凹的新作《极花》以妇女拐卖事件为引子,描绘了一幅当代中国乡村的生态画卷。小说通过女主人公胡蝶的被拐卖遭遇,呈现出一个乡村的生存镜像,同时也透射出当代中国乡土世界在城乡夹缝中的痛苦、无奈与悲哀。小说更通过对中国农村妇女拐卖事件背后原因的深刻洞察,聚焦了当代乡村日益凋敝这一现实,同时也探索了事件背后人物的生存状态和人性抉择,世事的纷繁芜杂,以及乡土文化面对现代化进程时的坚守与嬗变。 |
英文摘要: |
Jia Pingwa's Ji Hua taking women trafficking event for reference, depicts an ecological picture of contemporary Chinese village. Through the major character Hu Die's abducted story, the novel shows the living image of a country, and reflects the pain, frustration and sadness of contemporary China local world in urban and rural areas. Through the deep insight of the reasons behind the incident, the novel focuses on the increasingly depressed reality of contemporary country, explores the survival condition and the human nature behind the novel figures, and depicts the complicated world and the local culture in the modernization process of the society. |
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