田俊芳.试论祭礼与《诗经》中的祭祀诗[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(12):101-105 |
试论祭礼与《诗经》中的祭祀诗 |
ON Worship and Ritual Ceremonies from the Poems in The Book of Songs |
投稿时间:2017-02-27 |
DOI:10.11995/j.issn.2095-770X.2017.12.023 |
中文关键词: 祭礼 《诗经》 祭祀诗 原始宗教 传统文化 |
英文关键词: worship The Book of Songs Sacrifice poems Primitive religion The traditional culture |
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摘要点击次数: 1898 |
全文下载次数: 1798 |
中文摘要: |
在古代政治活动中,祭祀成为无与伦比的重大事件。祭天之礼是王朝大典,一直受宗周统治者的重视,祭祀作为古礼的最重要的来源,从根本上奠定了我们处理天人、人人关系的基本观念然和思想。进而影响了整个中华民族的思维方式和人际交往原则。祭祀诗的出现与宗教观念和祭祀制度密不可分,祭祀诗是人类文化一定发展阶段的必然产物。祭祀诗的具体内容和在当时的特殊地位完全是由宗教观念的特点和祭祀活动的地位所决定。我国现存的最古老的祭祀诗都包括在《诗经》中,可以从祭礼的形成与发展,以及祭礼和传统文化的关系来研究这部分诗歌的文学史和思想史价值。 |
英文摘要: |
Worship ceremony is closely connected with local religious ideas and the ritual system. Therefore, the worship poems were inevitable the outcome of the human culture at the certain stage of human being development, which was determined by the position of the ritual activities at then. Our country's oldest living worship poems are included in The Book of Songs. This paper talks about the relationship between the cult and traditional culture from the formation and development of the sacrifice worship. |
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