胡振远,计 敏.基于工具性与人文性的《大学语文》案例教学——以商洛学院学前教育专业1401班学生为例[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(12):35-40
Case Teaching of College Chinese Language and Literature Based on Instrumentality and Humanism—Taking the Case of the Students of Class 1401 from Pre-school Education at Shangluo University
投稿时间:2017-06-02  修订日期:2017-08-25
中文关键词: 《大学语文》  工具性与人文性  案例教学
英文关键词: Chinese Language and Literature  the tool and humanities  practice teaching
胡振远 1.商洛学院语言文化传播学院陕西商洛 726000 
计 敏 2.长春理工大学文学院吉林长春 130000 
摘要点击次数: 1925
全文下载次数: 1280
      Chinese Language and Literature is a public compulsory course for college students, Chinese Language and Literature is designed to improve students’ability to use language and words, cultivating students’humanistic feelings. This objective reflects the tool and humanities of Chinese Language and Literature. In the mode of Applied Talents Training, Chinese Language and Literature plays a vital role in purifying social environment and cultivating high quality talents, instrumentality is to cultivating students’ ability, humanism focuses on enhancing students’ humanistic quality. Based on a teaching study of Chinese Language and Literature, we trained the humanistic feelings contained in the textbook of College Chinese by case teaching, let students learn to use the wisdom of the classic anthology to disperse the confusion in their life, open the tangle of heart and strengthen belief in truth, goodness and beauty. At last, we did statistics and analyzed the results of Chinese Language and Literature’s questionnaire survey in Shangluo College, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures of practice teaching.
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