陈姿羽,黎开谊,陈 彧.新常态下高校辅导员职业准入的优化路径探析[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(11):136-140
An Analysis of the Optimal Path of Vocation Admittance of College Counselor in the New Normal
投稿时间:2017-05-03  修订日期:2017-06-05
中文关键词: 新常态  高校辅导员  职业准入  职业化  专业化
英文关键词: new normal  college counselor  vocation admittance  professionalization
陈姿羽 长安大学马克思主义学院陕西西安 710064 
黎开谊 长安大学马克思主义学院陕西西安 710064 
陈 彧 长安大学政治与行政学院陕西西安 710064 
摘要点击次数: 1786
全文下载次数: 1089
      The history and progress ofcollege counselors system in our country shows that the ranks of college counselors in our country have entered the new normal of professional and specialized development.The optimization and perfection of the vocation admittance of college counselor is necessary to solve the problems in the development of counselor system.In view of the fact that at the present stage there are some shortcomings in the development of college counselor staff in the early stage of professionalization and professional growth, on the basis of the analysis of the present situation and shortcomings of college counselors'vocational admittance by means of literature analysis and investigation, with the reference of the series of documents promulgated by the Ministry of Education of our country and the specific conditions of our country, the paper puts forwardstrategies of promoting of counselor team construction from a new perspective accordingly.
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