杨 莹,徐 强.透过货币起源和发展探讨货币的本质[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(9):42-45
A Study of the Essence of Currency from Its Origin and Social Development
中文关键词: 货币  价值  信用
英文关键词: Key words: currency  value  credit
杨 莹 (1.陕西学前师范学院 陕西西安 710100 
徐 强 2.西京学院 陕西西安 710123) 
摘要点击次数: 1800
全文下载次数: 1250
      Based on the analysis of the origin of currency, this article argues the two paths of currency development. In many cultures, transaction is done through barter originally, and then universal equivalent came into being as the media of exchange. Later gold and silver was widely accepted to be universal equivalent, and then the coinage establishment; while in other cultures, coinage is developed from the procreation worship shells to generic shells. After studying the original paths of the coins, this article discusses the double sides of currency value: the practical value the spiritual value, both of which cause the coinage. The paper holds that the value of currency emerged earlier than the birth of credit, and illustrates that the development process of currency shows that the essence of currency is a compound of value and credit. At the beginning people exchange with the value of currency itself; and with the development of society, people exchanged with the credit that currency represents, and pure credit currency came into being.
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