王 丹.幼儿教师工作倦怠与工作满意度关系[J].陕西学前师范学院学报,2017,33(8):88-94
Analysis on the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Burnout of Kindergarten Teachers
投稿时间:2017-04-11  修订日期:2017-05-04
中文关键词: 幼儿教师  工作满意度  工作倦怠
英文关键词: Kindergarten Teachers  Job satisfaction  Job Burnout
王 丹 (淮北师范大学教育学院安徽淮北 235000) 
摘要点击次数: 1528
全文下载次数: 928
      In order to discuss the relationship between job satisfaction and job burnout,this paper employs Job Satisfaction Scale and Job Burnout Scale to investigate 253 kindergarten teachers.The results are following: (1) kindergarten teachers have high job satisfaction and low job burnout.(2) Job satisfaction: there has no obvious difference between gender and education; married teachers have higher job satisfaction than unmarried teachers; private kindergarten is better than public kindergarten; teachers who have 4 to 6 years or more than 10 years teaching experiences is significantly higher than teachers who have 1 to 3 years experiences.Job Burnout: there has no differences between private and public kindergartens; male’s overall burnout level and alienation level are higher than females’; unmarried teachers have stronger feelings of burnout and inefficiency than married teachers; different education background have different feelings of inefficiency and burnout; bachelor and college degree teachers is worse than technical secondary or high school degree teachers; 10 years teaching experiences have lower inefficient feelings than 1 to 3 years experiences.(3) Negative correlation is observed between job satisfaction and job burnout.Job satisfaction has a significant negative prediction on Job Burnout.
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